
Friday, August 27, 2010

Australia! Through my Lens

Shot these 3 picture on the Great Ocean Road. Was a fantastic drive.... was filled with breathtaking scenery.

ISO: 125
Exposure: 1/250 sec
Aperture: 8.0
Focal Length: 48mm

ISO: 125
Exposure: 1/250 sec
Aperture: 8.0
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/350 sec
Aperture: 10.0
Focal Length: 170mm

Twelve Apostles!

The Twelve Apostles is a collection of eight miocene limestone rock stacks jutting from the water in Port Campbell National Park  on the Great Ocean Road.

We rented a helicopter to get a good view. It really payed off, could get good shots of the surrounding areas and the 12 Apostles.
SO: 100
Exposure: 1/180 sec
Aperture: 7.1
Focal Length: 18mm
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/200 sec
Aperture: 7.1
Focal Length: 26mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 18mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/160 sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 18mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/125 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 18mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 80mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/125 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 18mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: 5.0
Focal Length: 18mm

Waited for the sunset to get this shot. Used a big chunk of rock as a tripod and played with the shutter speed to get this milky ocean effect. Meantime, was freezing my butt off in the cold wind.

ISO: 100
Exposure: 8.0 sec
Aperture: 22.0
Focal Length: 34mm

Used the same technique for this shot as well, but had to really crank up the shutter speed as the sun had already set when I took this.
ISO: 100
Exposure: 20.0 sec
Aperture: 7.1
Focal Length: 18mm

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/15 sec
Aperture: 22.0
Focal Length: 18mm

Was just seeing if i could get some interesting perspectives. Shot this on our way to Phillip Island.

ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/160 sec
Aperture: 6.3
Focal Length: 42mm

Shot this in Phillip island. Found the converging lines to be interesting.

ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/320 sec
Aperture: 9.0
Focal Length: 18mm

Went to Boxing Day Test match ( IND vd AUS) in MCG. India lost after a good fight....but still was great fun!

The Stadium itself is just humongous. It can hold a whopping 1,00,018 people.

Shot these two pics near Brisbane @ Surfers Paradise. Great, little, fun packed town.

ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/40 sec
Aperture: 4.8
Focal Length: 62mm
ISO: 100
Exposure: 1/400 sec
Aperture: 8.0
Focal Length: 29mm

Sydney Downtown 
ISO: 250
Exposure: 1/500 sec
Aperture: 11.0
Focal Length: 32mm

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome pictures man .. Way 2 go!!