
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hanuman Langurs

Hanuman Langurs are largely gray, with a black face, which is thought to relate to Hanuman, a monkey warrior from the Story Ramayana, who burnt his tail and face trying to rescue Rama's wife.

ISO: 250
Exposure: 1/90 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 200mm

 Shot this in Mudhumalai. The Langurs there are totally fearless. Unperturbed, this fellow was totally relaxed by my presence.

The Life span of these fellows is about 20 years and males average about 18 kilos in weight, while the females weight about 11 kilos. They are found across India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Burma.

ISO: 250Exposure: 1/80 sec
Aperture: 5.6
Focal Length: 200mm

Took this shot in Mudhumalai. These fellows started to get on top of my car when I slowed down to take some pictures. Trying to score a easy snack here and there with the tourists, many langurs get run over by vehicles on the roads.

After a gestation period of 168-200 days, females give birth to one infant. The infant is weaned after 13-20 months.
ISO: 500
Exposure: 1/320 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 200mm

ISO: 500
Exposure: 1/400 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 200mm

Chital Deers usually stick with langurs in the forest as they warn them of any predators approaching even from far away as they are perched high in the trees. In fact I spotted my first tiger with the help of these fellows! They give out a huge cry whenever a predator is lurking nearby.
ISO: 800
Exposure: 1/750 sec
Aperture: 2.8
Focal Length: 200mm

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